A collection of D3.js charts & graphs libraries, plugins, tools and resources for creating 2D and 3D charts and graphs

A collection of D3 Charts & Graphs Libraries, Plugins, Tools and Resources. Sourced under a public domain license. This list will be updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.

D3.js Charts & Graphs Libraries, Plugins, Tools and Resources

  • billboard.js – Re-usable chart library [bar, line, area, donut, pie, step, spline]
  • britecharts – Client-side reusable charting library [bar, line, donut, sparkline, step]
  • chart-parts – A flexible, React-friendly, Grammar of Graphics for data visualization
  • cubism – Time series visualization
  • c3 – Reusable chart library [line, spline, step, area, stacked, bar, pie, donut]
  • dagre-d3 – Layout directed graphs on the client-side
  • dc.js – For heavy amounts of data
  • d2b – Chart library for axis, pie, sankey, sunburst charts
  • d3-bar – Bar chart
  • d3-beeswarm – Plugin which computes a beeswarm arrangement
  • d3-boxplot – d3js box plot plugin
  • d3-bumps-chart – Plugin for visualizing bumps charts
  • d3-dag – Layout algorithms for visualizing directed acylic graphs
  • d3-ez – Easy Reusable D3 Charts & Components [bar, donut, pie, bubble, rose, heatmap]
  • d3-flame-graph – Flame graphs from hierarchical data
  • d3-funnel – A funnel and pyramid chart library
  • d3-gridding – Chart mockups using grids
  • d3-heatmap – Heatmap
  • d3-message-sequence – A dynamic/static message sequence chart
  • d3-upset – Functions for plotting an UpSet plot [upset, bar, intersections, venn, relationships]
  • d3-x3d – Data Driven 3D Charts with D3 and X3D [bubble, bar, surfacearea, scatterplot, area]
  • d3fc – A collection of interactive chart components [line, bar, stacked, scatter, candlestick, ohlc]
  • d3plus – Extension library for easy creation of visualizations [scatter, stacked, line, bar, pie, network, bubble, box, map]
  • d3panels – Interactive charts with linked brushing [dot, scatter, line, heatmap, histogram]
  • d3pie – A configurable pie chart lib and generator
  • D3xter – Straight forward plotting [plot, timeline, bar, histogram, pie]
  • D4 – Re-usable charts DSL [bar, donut, line, scatter, stacked, waterfall]
  • dTree – Family tree library
  • EventDrops – A time based/event series interactive visualization
  • metrics-graphics – Optimized for visualizing time-series data [line, scatter, area]
  • micropolar – A polar chart library
  • mpld3 – Export matplotlib graphics to work in the Browser
  • neo4jd3 – Neo4j graph visualization
  • nvd3 – Re-usable charts and chart components [box plot, buttlet, candlestick, line, bar, pie, scatter, sparkline]
  • oecd-simple-charts – Simple charting library [box plot, stacked bar, pearl chart]
  • plotly.js – High level charting library [scatter, line, bar, pie, box plot, histogram, heatmap]
  • plottable – Flexible, interactive charts for the web [area, bar, line, pie, scatter, stacked]
  • rickshaw – Toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs [line, scatter, bar]
  • taucharts – Charts with a focus on design and flexibility [line, bar, area, stacked]
  • vega – A visualization grammar
  • vega-lite – A high-level grammar of interactive graphics
  • vega-lite-api – A JavaScript API for Vega-Lite.
  • venn.js – Area proportional Venn and Euler diagrams
  • visavail – Time data availability visualization
  • vizabi – A framework for building visual data exploration tools [bubble, map, line, bar, sankey, donut]
  • WebCola – Layout for graph visualization and exploration
  • xkcdgraphs – Xkcd style graphs [line]
Third Party
  • Layer Cake – A graphics framework built on top of Svelte.
  • nivo – Dataviz components for React with isomorphic ability [bar, line, area, bubble, chord, heatmap]
  • ngx-charts – Chart framework for Angular [bar, pie, line, area, polar, stacked, bubble]
  • potion – Collection of React components for composing visualizations
  • react-d3-components – D3 Components [bar, stacked, scatter, line, area, pie]
  • react-d3-library – Library to use D3 in React [area, bar, line, pie, scatter]
  • react-stockcharts – Highly customizable stock charts [area, line, scatter, bubble, bar, stacked, candlestick]
  • react-vis – A collection of react components to render visualizations [area, bar, heatmap, line, scatter]
  • reaviz – Data visualization library for React based on D3
  • recharts – Re-designed charting library built with React
  • semiotic – A data visualization framework combining React & D3 [scatter, line, area]
  • victory – Composable React components for building visualizations [area, bar, candlestick, pie, line, scatter, voronoi]
  • vx – Visualization components for React [bar, line, scatter, stacked, area, pattern, heatmap, pie, radial, map, geo]
  • Vs – Declarative visualisation components for Vue.js [bar, line, area, pie, donut, stacked, sankey, timeline]
  • v-chart-plugin – Easily bind a chart to the data stored in your Vue.js components.

Tags: d3.js, d3.js chart libraries, d3.js graph libraries, javascript charts, javascript graphs, javascript bar charts, javascript area chart, javascript bar chart, javascript candlestick chart, javascript pie chart, javascript line chart, javascript scatter chart, javascript voronoi chart, bar, line, javascript scatter chart, javascript stacked chart, javascript area chart, javascript pattern chart, javascript heatmap chart, javascript pie chart, javascript radial chart, javascript map, javascript geo

Image: Unsplash license