A collection of JavaScript chart libraries for web designers and developers

A collection of JavaScript chart libraries for web designers and developers help developers visualize data into charts. From these libraries you can make Bar Charts, Histogram, Candlestick Chart, Line Charts, Combo Chart, Area Chart, Geo Chart, Scatter Chart, Column Chart, Org Chart, Treemap, Scale Options, Legend Charts and many more. This list is updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.

Javascript Chart Libraries

Libraries that help developers visualize data into charts

Website Description
ChartJS Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers
FrappeJS Includes Green squares grid like in GitHub, and other charts to use.
G2Plot G2Plot is an interactive and responsive charting library based on the grammar of graphics.
Google Charts Get the experience from Google to create similar charts that Google uses.
Data Driven Documents (D3) Bind complicated and massive data to interactive graphs.
ApexCharts.Js Modern & Interactive Open-source Charts
Chartist Simple responsive charts
Vizzu Vizzu – a free, open-source Javascript library for building animated charts, data stories, and interactive explorers.
AntV Ant Design Charts, free JS Charts library for dynamic data with excellent documentation
Nivo Nivo provides supercharged React components to easily build dataviz apps, it’s built on top of d3. Also comes with server side rendering ability and fully declarative charts.

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