In this blog post, we’ve sourced a compiled of Vue.js Menu Systems as Plugins, Extensions and Libraries, that you can use for your next vue app or website project. As always, this list is updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.
- vue-accordion – Simple accordion nav menu component for Vue.js.
- vue-js-dropdown – Vue.js 2 dropdown menu component. Light, easy to use and extend, no external deps.
- vue-slideout – Vue implementation of the popular library slideout
- vue-quick-menu – This is web navigation component base on vue.js2.
- @hscmap/vue-menu – Menu / Context Menu component for vue2.
- vue-router-nav – Minimalistic responsive navigation bar that renders routes of vue-router.
- vue-drawer-layout – A simple DrawerLayout component like Android has for Vue.js.
- vue-simple-menu – Simple menu component with a set of basic functionality, which is enough in 80% of cases
- vue-tree-navigation – Vue.js 2 tree navigation with vue-router support
- bp-vuejs-dropdown – Vuejs => 2 dropdown. Easy to use, no external, optional.
- vue-bulma-accordion – Simple, easily configurable accordion or collapsible styled with Bulma custom or built in icons available
- v-selectmenu – A simple, easier and highly customized menu solution for Vue2.
- vue-burger-menu – An off-canvas sidebar Menu component with different CSS animations.
- vue-dynamic-dropdown – A Highly Customizable, easy-to-use elegant dropdown component
- vue-navigation-bar – A simple, pretty navbar for your Vue projects.
- vue-simple-search-dropdown – A simple searchable input dropdown component with no external dependency
- @innologica/vue-dropdown-menu – Dropdown menu component for Vue. Any element can be dropdown trigger and anything can be dropped down content.
- vue-menu-aim – Menu triangle select, aka Amazon
- vue-stripe-menu – Creating a navigation menu with animations like on Stripe
- vue-burger-button – A pretty simple Vue functional component for menu burger buttons.
- @satmaxt/sidebar-menu-drawer – A simple interactive sidebar menu drawer and easy to implement
- vue-file-toolbar-menu – UI file/toolbar menus for Vue apps
- v-dropdown-menu – Customizable dropdown menu plugin for vuejs. SSR supported.
- vue-bottom-sheet – A swipeable bottom sheet component for Vue.js created with Hammer.js
- SDropdown – Highly customizable, simple and modern Vue 3 dropdown component.
- vue-awesome-sidebar – A modern and fast sidebar menu component for vue(3x) capable with vue-router.
Tags: vue accordians, vue dynamic dropdown, dropdown menus, vue navigation bar, vue menu plugins, vue menu libraries, vue menu systems, vue menu extensions, Vue, Vue2 and Vue.js, vue-accordian, vue-js-dropdown,vue-slideout,
License: MIT license