Vue and Vue.js Pagination Plugins, Packages, Libraries and Extensions

A complete collection of Vue and Vue.js Pagination Plugins, Packages, Libraries and Extensions to include into your Vuejs apps and projects. As always, this list is updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.

Pagination Plugins, Packages, Libraries and Extensions

    • vue-paginate – A simple vue.js plugin to paginate data.
    • vue-pagination-2 – Vue.js 2 pagination component.
    • vuejs-uib-pagination – Best and complete pagination plugin for Vue.js. Inspired in Angular Bootstrap Pagination.
    • vuejs-paginate – A Vue.js(v2.x+) component for creating pagination.
    • vue-pagination-bootstrap – A Vue.js (1.x & 2.x) server-side paging component with a template based on Bootstrap
    • laravel-vue-semantic-ui-pagination – A Vue.js 2.x pagination used with Laravel & Semantic-UI.
    • vue-paginate-al – Vue paginate with return your data.
    • vue-tiny-pagination – A Vue component for create a tiny pagination.
    • laravel-vue-pagination – A Vue.js pagination component for Laravel paginators that works with Bootstrap.
    • vue-lpage – Low-level Vue pagination component.
    • v-page – A simple pagination bar, including length Menu, i18n support, based on Vue2.x.
    • vue-smart-pagination – Smart pagination of any data with a lot of nice settings.
    • vue-paginatron – Pagination component built with scoped-slot props for maximum flexibility.
    • vue-ads-pagination – A vue pagination component build with the css framework tailwindcss
    • v-pagy – A lightweight and customizable Bootstrap Pagination for Vue.
    • v-paginator – Simple page-by-page navigation for Vue.js based on your html templates with ssr support.
    • vue-use-paginator – Vue 3 use-hook to reactively paginate data and arrange paginator buttons. Completely renderless.
    • vueginate – A simple pagination component for Vue 3

Tags: Vue, Vue.js, Paginate, Pagination, Vue Pagination, Vue Pagination Plugins, Vue Pagination Packages, Vue Pagination Libraries, Vue Pagination Extensions