A Collection of Vue tooltips and Popover Components & Plugins for frontend developers

A complete collection of Vue and Vue.js tooltips and popover components, plugins, libraries and extensions to include into your Vuejs apps and projects. licensed under the MIT license. As always, this list is updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.

Vue Tooltips and Popover Components

  • v-tooltip – Easy tooltips with Vue 2.x.
  • vue-popper-component – Popper.js directive for Vue.js.
  • vue-directive-tooltip – Simple, flexible tooltip directive (based on Popper.js)
  • vue-popperjs – VueJS 2.x popover component
  • vue-tooltipster – VueJS 2.x tooltip component. Support html content, hover and hover+click events.
  • k-pop – Simple popover component based on popper.js. Highly customizable. Comes with themes. Supports custom triggers and can listen to any event.
  • @adamdehaven/vue-custom-tooltip – Vue 2 & 3 🎉 customizable, reactive, and reusable tooltip component that supports plugin options, props, and multiple use-cases. Also works with SSR (e.g. VuePress, Nuxt) and includes TypeScript types. (Vue 3 is available on next branch/npm tag)
  • vue-use-popperjs – Vue 2 & 3 popper hook powered by @popperjs
  • vue-follow-tooltip – Tiny tooltip directive for Vue 3.
  • Tippy.vue – Nesting-free Tippy.js directive/component for Vue 3. A drop-in addition with no structural or style changes required. Supports both individual and singleton tooltips.

Tags: Vue Tooltips, Vue2 Tooltips, Vue3 ToolTips, Vue Popover, Vue2 Popover, Vue3 Popover, Vue components, Vue Plugins, Vue Libraries, Vue2.js, Vuejs2, Vue3.js, Vue3, Vuejs 3