Vue calendar libraries, components, plugins, and extensions for your frontend Vue Project

In this post, we’ll be listing a collection of Vue Calendar libraries, components, plugins, and extensions which make it easy to add date and event management to your projects and apps. As always, this list is updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.

Vue Calender Plugins, Libraries and Extensions

Tags: Vue, Vue2, Vue3, Vue.js, Vue Calender, Vue Dates, Vue Time, Vue Plugins, Vue Libraries, Vue Extensions, vue-fullcalendar, vue-event-calendar, vue-calendar-picker,vue-lunar-calendar,vue-simple-calendar,vue2-calendar,vue-jlunar-datepicker,vue-full-calendar,v-calendar,vue-infinite-calendar,vue-calendar, vue2-event-calendar, vue2-datePicker-infinite, vue2-slot-calendar, quasar-calendar, vue2-datepicker, vue-pikaday, vue-tuicalendar, vue-jqxscheduler, toast-ui.vue-calendar, vue-functional-calendar, vue-cal, vue-material-year-calendar , vuelendar, vue-date-tools, vue-spring-calendar,vue-jquery-calendar, vue-schedule-board, vue-lunar-calendar-pro, vue-sweet-calendar, vue-datepicker-ui, qalendar

License: MIT license