A collection of CSS, SASS and LESS preprocessers to speed up web design & development

A collection of CSS, SASS and LESS preprocessers to speed up web design & development. Sourced under a creative commons. This list will be updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.

CSS Preprocessors

    • Write CSS faster with CSS preprocessors

      • LESS – Backwards compatible with CSS, and the extra features it adds use existing CSS syntax.
      • PostCSS – Transforming CSS with JS plugins.
      • Sass – Mature, stable, and powerful professional-grade CSS extension language.
      • STYLIS – Light-weight CSS preprocessor.
      • Stylus – Expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for NodeJs.

Tags: CSS Pre-processors, CSS preprocessors, CSS, LESS, SASS, SASS preprocessors

Image: Unsplash license | This work Awesome CSS licensed under a creative commons BY SA-4.0 | Added: Introduction and Tags, removed icons.